How to add my Custom Domain to Bio Link?

How to add my Custom Domain to Bio Link?

Bio Link enables you to gather all your important links in one place, making it effortless for your followers, visitors, and customers to access everything they need. Simply add your unique Bio Link URL ( or to your social media bio, email signatures, business cards, and anywhere else you interact with your audience. You can even use it as a QR code to seamlessly connect your online and offline communities.

However, if you prefer to use your own domain, like, we've got you covered too! Our article will guide you through the process of connecting your purchased domain from providers like GoDaddy or Google to your Bio Link page.


  • Please note that connecting a custom domain to Bio Link is a paid feature. If you haven't upgraded your account to the Pro plan yet, you can refer to our article How to upgrade to a Pro plan for instructions on upgrading your account.

Connecting your Domain

Follow the step-by-step guide for connecting your custom domain to your Bio Link page:

  1. Log in to your Bio Link account and navigate to the settings page.

  2. Scroll down to the Pro-Link section and click on the "Set up Domain" button within the custom domain section.

  3. In the modal that appears, enter the domain name you want to use for hosting your Bio Link page and click on the "Connect" button.

DNS Configuration

After connecting your custom domain to your Bio Link page, the next step involves adding a CNAME record and 2 text records to your domain provider's settings. If you have already made the necessary changes to your DNS settings, please manually refresh your settings.

Still, finding it difficult? Choose your domain provider to get the specific instructions tailored to your platform, helping you overcome any obstacles you may be facing in the process.


  1. Log in to your GoDaddy account and select the domain from the domain list.

  2. Scroll down to the Additional Settings panel and click the Manage DNS link in the right-hand column.

  3. In the records table, add a CNAME record by entering 'www' in the Name field and '' in the Value field.

  4. Then add a text record to verify the domain ownership

  5. When you're done, return to Bio Link and click Add and Publish.


  1. Log in to your Cloudflare account and select the domain from the list of domains.

  2. Go to the DNS tab and locate the records section.

  3. In the records table, add a CNAME record. Enter '@' in the Name field and '' in the Target field.

  4. Next, add the text record required for verification.

  5. Once you've added the necessary records, go back to your Bio Link account and click on the "Add and Publish" button.

We are almost DONE!

Your domain will now be under review, which takes up to 48 hours to finish (though it's usually done much faster than that). After which you will be able to access the site using the custom domain you just set up.


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